• Fall Outfits

define cocktail dress

Shopped clearance today, and bought some smaller jeans than I usually wear so I can work towards fitting into them.... well.... tried them on just to see how tight they were, and they fit comfortably! Yay! Now I'm down to an 18! When I started I was wearing a stretched out 22, so it was probably more like a 24 (a new pair of 22s were too small at that time). And my new shirt is an XL. This feels great! But, I still want smaller jeans to work towards, so we're going back to find some 16s. I can't believe how far I've come since January! It gives me define cocktail dress even more motivation to keep doing what I'm doing!

The pic of me in a dress is from our honeymoon to Jamaica in January. One of these days I'll put that dress on just to see how it fits ???? .