• Fall Outfits

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Today was Tennasyns 6 month appointment. As many of you know she struggled gaining weight basically up until this point. She was in the 3 percent of her weight at all her appointments up to now. (She had weekly check ups for the first 2 months of her life.) Her last appointment at 4 months she weighed 11 lbs and was at 3 percent. Today at her appointment she weighed 16 lbs and was in the 49 percent..YAYYYY!!! homecoming dresses for tall girls ???? ???? ????

The one thing that changed? She went to formula only and I quit ... breastfeeding.

As a mom you hear EVERYONES opinion on how to raise YOUR kid. Even from people who don't have kids. I think I get more opinions now than with any of my other kids. ????

Here's the thing. I have been a Mom for 8 years. I have 3 kids. I know how to parent. I don't always do it right but I do my best!

I'm not the mom who will breastfeed for a year. Heck making it 4 months was a win for me.

I'm not the mom who will skip immunizations or circumcision because I believe they both are for good. That doesnt mean I am not pro life or a Christian. It means I am doing whats best for MY child. Judging me for it? Let's talk about who the real Christian is....

I'm not the mom who will make all her babies food. Heck my older kids are lucky if they get something other than hot dogs, macaroni, frozen pizza and fish sticks.

I'm not the mom who will do cloth diapers. I'm all for saving the planet but I can't handle when Timberlyn pees her pants..cleaning poop out of cloth diapers..not a chance!

I'm not the mom who baths her kids daily. If dirt starts showing or they start stinking you bet they get a shower or bath.

I'm not the mom who will dress my kids in the latest styles or most expensive clothes. Heck about the only time they get brand new clothes is if Target has good clearance or its a special occassion. Otherwise Savers is where its at.

I am the mom who will raise my kids in a Christian home.
I am the mom who will teach them right from wrong.
I am the mom who will make them include everyone.
I am the mom who will show them to love everyone regardless of race, age, gender or sexuality.
I am the mom will make sure they always have food on the table and a roof over there head.

But most important I am the Mom that will do whatever it takes to protect my kids as I see fit. I am the Mom that will always be there for them no matter what the circumstances. I am the Mom who will support them wherever life may take them. And above all else I will love them unconditionally ???? ????

I know whats BEST for MY children and I DAMN sure don't need anyone telling me otherwise ????

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